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Thực trạng quản lí chi vốn đầu tư ngân sách tỉnh Trà Vinh

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Tác giả:   Nguyen Chau Hung Tinh(1) ,
(1) Chủ biên
Abstract: The article analyzes the current situation of the sate budget capital investment management of Tra Vinh province in order to propose solutions to promote achievements and also overcome limitations in the sate budget capital investment management, ensure the efficient use of state budget capital investment. These solutions could promote the socio-economic development and limit loss in the sate budget capital investment, helping local authorities to better its sate budget capital investment.
(ISSN:) Số ISSN: 0866-7756 số 14 - Tháng 8/2019
Xuất bản: Tháng 8/2019
Trang: 237
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