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(1) Chủ biên
Abstract: The Analytic Hierarchy Process of Thomas Saaty plays a very important role in information processing to make selection decisions and to decide the best and most reasonable course of action. However, this method cannot be used in many cases where the expert judgments concerning the criteria are imprecise and incomplete. This paper proposes a method for improving the Analytic Hierarchy of Thomas Saaty. The proposes method also uses group of experts for comparing alternatives and criteria. However, it does not require assigning favorability values for different groups of decision alternatives and criteria. In addition, it uses the Maximin approach for combining the criteria. Efficient algorithms are developed for computing the optimal solution. The main results of this research are explained and illustrated by nummerical examples.
(ISSN:) Số 53
Xuất bản: 2018
Trang: 38
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Đã xem: 320