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Nghiên cứu tình hình nhiễm giun tròn trên gà thả vườn nuôi tại tỉnh Trà Vinh và thử nghiệm thuốc tẩy trừ

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Tác giả:   Nguyễn Thị Kim Quyên(1) ,
(1) Chủ biên
Abstract: Study on intestinal nematode infection in backyard chickens and experimental therapy in Tra Vinh province The study was conducted with a total of 450 fecal samples from backyard chickens in Tra Vinh town, Chau Thanh and Cang Long districts of Tra Vinh province from 08 January 2018 to 30 January 2019. Overall prevalence of intestinal nematodes infectation was found to be 83,8% from fecal samples by using floatation technique. The results of classification and identification of intestinal nematodes species on backyard chickens by using classical parasitological techniques showed that the four different types of parasites observed in all four locations of the study included A. galli: 47,8%, H. gallinarum: 32,2%, H. beramporia: 21,3% and C. obsignata: 16%. The proportion of intestinal nematodes infection in free-range chickens, semi-intensive chickens, and confinement chickens were 100%, 91,3%, and 60%, respectively. The experimental deworming was carried out by using two kinds of anthelmintic drugs such as Levamisole (oral) and Albendazole (oral). It was found that all of drugs were safe and have no side effects to animals during treating. Especially, Albendazole and Levamisole with the dose of 1g/3kg body weight was the most effective with 100% deworming. Keywords: nematode, Tra Vinh province, infection rate,backyard chickens, deworming efficacy
Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ chăn nuôi (ISSN:) Số 100
Xuất bản: 6/2019
Trang: 67-73
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Đã xem: 269